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3D modeling of clothes aimed at digital fashion or digital fashion

.about us

.benefits of digital fashion


-97% CO2

.the production process of digital garments emits 97% less CO2 than manufacturing a physical garment



.reduce the production costs of a pilot garment



.reduce the go-to-market time of a new product



.you can implement augmented reality elements on your website generating an interactive experience for your customers



.producing a digital item instead of physical clothing saves, on average, enough drinking water for a person to consume for 3.5 years

(2 liters per day)



.the design of digital parts, allows us to explore all our creativity in 3D models, you can change your design as many times as you like, before creating your final physical part

.our objective is

.drastically accelerate digital transformation in the Latin American fashion industry through an infrastructure of creative and educational technologies for fashion

.our company is committed to the implementation of new technologies to change the traditional models of the fashion industry to digitize them and achieve a more sustainable industry in the economic, environmental and infrastructure fields.

.the fashion industry is one of the most polluting, we have a mission to change these processes to make this industry more friendly to the planet and create production processes that reduce the emission of polluting gases by up to 97%.

.through the implementation of digital fashion, many production processes are eliminated, reducing the polluting impact of this industry, in addition, we have partners who, like us, work to reduce the climate impact

.we work with the sustainable development goals

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about digital fashion

3D modeling of clothes aimed at digital fashion or digital fashion
3D modeling of clothes aimed at digital fashion or digital fashion

.visit our projects here

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